Pizokel with Curd - Swiss Tradition
Pizokel with Curd – Swiss Tradition Pane-Bistecca Pizokel are similar to Spätzli/Knöpfli, (Pasta dumplings) this specialty comes from the Grison in Switzerland….
Pizokel with Curd – Swiss Tradition Pane-Bistecca Pizokel are similar to Spätzli/Knöpfli, (Pasta dumplings) this specialty comes from the Grison in Switzerland….
Eine wärmende Lauchsuppe ist etwas ganz Feines. Besonders, wenn man frierend in der Schweiz weilt. Für uns ist es hier sehr kalt,…
Fresh Ox Tongue from the SlowCooker Pane-Bistecca In Europe, you can buy smoked or cured tongue, sometimes already precooked, so you just…
Birewegge-Chnote Pane-Bistecca Birewegge-Chnote sind eigentlich nur eine Abwandlung der Birewegge. Birewegge ist ein traditionelles Gebäck aus der Schweiz. Es wird aus Trockenfrüchten…
Pickled Cherry Tomatoes Pane-Bistecca Here in Asia, the seasonal fruits and vegetables are often ripe at different times. So, there are cherry…
Zabaione Sponge Cake with Chocolate Chips – gluten-free Pane-Bistecca My daughter Andrea bakes: I received a jar of Zabaione spread from my…
Delicious cold-cut Platter Pane-Bistecca In Switzerland, a plate with cold meat, cheese, pickles and more is called “cold plate” and I have…
Zopf made with 5 Strands Pane-Bistecca Swiss Zopf is usually made of 2 strands that are braided into each other. This is…
Mushroom-Tomato Bread with Sauce Hollandaise Pane-Bistecca Britta from Brittas Kochbuchis running the 201st blog event by Zorra on her Blog Kochtopf. The…
Mirabelle Pie Pane-Bistecca Mirabelle plum is a yellow plum. It is said to be a cross between the plum and the cherry…