Asian Egg Rolls Pane-Bistecca Egg rolls are easy to make, you can fill them with anything and serve them as a main…
Juicy Chicken Breast grilled or roasted Pane-Bistecca It’s always a gamble to get a juicy chicken breast when you grill. My Juicy…
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Pancakes with Plantain
1 Mins read
Pancakes with Plantains Pane-Bistecca I often get plantains from my cleaning lady, and I try to find a lot of different ways…
Delicious Winter Salad
1 Mins read
Delicious Winter Salad Pane-Bistecca Mommy always eats salad, my son once said when he was still a small child. Today he is…
Pizokel with Curd - Swiss Tradition
1 Mins read
Pizokel with Curd – Swiss Tradition Pane-Bistecca Pizokel are similar to Spätzli/Knöpfli, (Pasta dumplings) this specialty comes from the Grison in Switzerland….
Glutenfreies Brioche Brot Pane-Bistecca Es ist schwierig gutes glutenfreies Brot zu machen, das luftig und schmackhaft ist. Oft ist das Brot wie…
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Pollo a la Brasa con Aji verde-Sauce – Peruvian roasted Chicken
2 Mins read
Pollo a la Brasa con Aji verde-Sauce Pane-Bistecca Pollo a la brasa is a Peruvian dish of roasted chicken, usually served with…
Imam Bayildi ist ein Gericht, das in der Türkei, Albanien, Bulgarien und Griechenland weit verbreitet ist. Der Name bedeutet «Der Imam (Vorbeter)…
Hähnchen Salat - Chicken Salad
1 Mins read
Dieser Hähnchen Salat kann praktischerweise mit Resten gemacht werden. Vielleicht hat man Reste von gekochtem Hähnchen und weiss nicht, was man damit…