Beef Ribs in Red Wine
This recipe is perfect for large invitations! You only need to prepare, then it cooks itself. There is the option of cooking them in the oven, but you can also make them in the SlowCooker. Both options end up with a wonderful sauce to go with buttery soft ribs. Simple and delicious!
Chuck short ribs tend to be meatier than the other two types of ribs, but they are also tougher due to the more extensive connective tissues (collagen and reticulin) in them. Plate short ribs tend to be fattier than the other two types.
Short ribs cut from the rib area near the spine (the dorsal area) are better known as “back ribs” or “dinosaur ribs”. They consist of what remains of the rib in this area after the rib chop is removed. Due to the thinness of the serratus ventralis here, the meat on these ribs is generally intercostal muscle (e.g., the muscle between each rib.) (from Wikipedia)
Chuck short ribs tend to be meatier than the other two types of ribs, but they are also tougher due to the more extensive connective tissues (collagen and reticulin) in them. Plate short ribs tend to be fattier than the other two types.
Short ribs cut from the rib area near the spine (the dorsal area) are better known as “back ribs” or “dinosaur ribs”. They consist of what remains of the rib in this area after the rib chop is removed. Due to the thinness of the serratus ventralis here, the meat on these ribs is generally intercostal muscle (e.g., the muscle between each rib.) (from Wikipedia)
1.5 kg short Ribs of Beef
Salt and Pepper
Fresh Rosemary
500 ml Red Wine
4-5 whole Garlic
300-500 ml Broth
4 tbsp Tomato Paste
some Oil
Step 1
Season the ribs very well, you may give them a really firm treatment. Then fry them well in some oil. Then put the ribs in a large ovenproof dish.
Step 2
In der selben Pfanne, wo man das Fleisch angebraten hat, das Tomatenmark zugeben und gut braten, dann mit dem Wein ablöschen. Gut verrühren, dann über die Rippen giessen.
Step 3
Dem Knoblauch die äussere Haut abziehen und oben gerade abschneiden, dann in die Schale mit den Rippen drücken. Falls das Fleisch nicht in der Flüssigkeit ist, etwas Brühe zugeben. Rosmarin Zweige darüber geben und im Ofen bei 150 C Grad 3 Stunden backen lassen.
Step 4
Dann die Hitze auf 180 C Grad stellen und nochmals 40 Minuten backen lassen, darauf achten, dass das Fleisch nicht zu sehr aus der Sauce schaut, sonst trocknet es aus.
You can skim off the liquid and thicken with some cornstarch, I didn’t do this because my ribs had lost a lot of fat.Serve hot with chips or mashed potatoes.
The garlic cloves can be squeezed out of the skin and if you like, spread on the meat or on fresh bread.