Chinese Chili Beef with Puff Pastry Pockets Pane-Bistecca The Chinese Chili Beef with Puff Pastry Pockets is absolutely delicious! At the Chinese…
Gefüllte Blätterteig Rolle
Filled Puff Pastry Roll Pane-Bistecca We made a filled puff pastry roll. My daughter is very particular, so I like to give…
Frittata mit Gemüse und Würstchen
Frittata with Vegetables and Sausages Pane-Bistecca Frittata is a good example of using up leftovers. This frittata with vegetables and sausages is…
Polenta mit Fleisch-Gemüse Sauce
Polenta with Meat-Vegetable Sauce Pane-Bistecca I made polenta with a meat and vegetable sauce that was very well seasoned. Many of the…
Vietnamesisches Reis-Nudel Gericht
Vietnamese Rice Noodle Dish Pane-Bistecca My friend Nathalie has cooked a wonderful Vietnamese Rice Noodle Dish. This dish is actually served on…
Marisa’s Rindshuft im Blätterteig
Marisa’s Beef Shank in Puff Pastry Pane-Bistecca I was invited to my sister and she served me Marisa’s beef shank in puff…
Korokke - Japanische Kroketten
Korokke – Japanese Croquettes Pane-Bistecca People in Japan love croquettes, and they come in many variations. These Korokke – Japanese croquettes are…
Bunte Gnocchetti mit Sommer-Sauce
Colorful Gnocchetti with Summer-Sauce Pane-Bistecca Colorful gnocchetti with a summer sauce made from lots of vegetables. We found some colorful gnocchetti while…
Hühnerschnitzel vom Grill
Chicken Schnitzel from the Grill Pane-Bistecca We served up chicken schnitzel from the grill! I’m a big fan of chicken! I avoid…
Schopfbraten vom Schwein
Pork Neck Roast Pane-Bistecca Such a Pork Neck Roast is delicious! When we are only the two of us, it’s a bit…