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Lamm Koteletts mit Frischkäse-Schabziger

1 Mins read
Lamm Koteletts mit Frischkäse-Schabziger

Lamb Cotlets with Cream Cheese-Schabziger

Schabziger is a specialty from the canton of Glarus in Switzerland. It can be used in a variety of ways, such as these lamb chops with cream cheese Schabziger.

It can simply be grated over pasta as a condiment or mixed into dishes. Zigerhörnli (pasta) is a specialty from Glarus, as is Ziger fondue or Ziger bread. Ziger is usually sold as a stick (in one piece) for scraping (grating), but there is now also Ankeziger (Butterziger), which is already mixed with butter and makes a wonderful spread.

I had bought a “Glarner Grüessli” in Switzerland, which is a cream cheese made with Schabziger cheese. And it went wonderfully with the lamb chops!
Prep time
15 min
Cooking time
30 min
Total time
45 min


  • 4-6 Lamb Cotlets

  • 50 g Cream Cheese

  • 1 Pack Glarner Grüessli (100 g)

  • 1/2 Bunch Parsley, chopped

  • Paprika

  • Salt and Pepper

  • Rosemary

  • 2 tbsp Oliven Oil

  • 2 tbsp roasted Onions



Step 1

Mix the cream cheese, Schabziger, chopped parsley and a little paprika together well.

Step 2

Season the lamb chops, rub with a little oil and fry on both sides in a shallow pan.

Step 3

Place the cutlets in a greased gratin dish and spread with the mixed cream cheese. Sprinkle with the roasted onions.

Step 4

Bake in the oven at 220 C degrees for 20 minutes. Serve hot!


Simple and quick! Here are more lamb Recipes
Lamm Koteletts mit Frischkäse-Schabziger
Lamm Koteletts mit Frischkäse-Schabziger
Lamm Koteletts mit Frischkäse-Schabziger
Lamm Koteletts mit Frischkäse-Schabziger
Lamm Koteletts mit Frischkäse-Schabziger
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