VegetablesGluten-freePotatoesGarlicHerbsLeekSpecialsSoupVegetarianStarters Wärmende Lauchsuppe – Warming Leek Soup3 January 2024 2 Mins read Eine wärmende Lauchsuppe ist etwas ganz Feines. Besonders, wenn man frierend in der Schweiz weilt. Für uns ist es hier sehr kalt,…
EggplantMain-DishesItalyPastaSaucePorkSpaghettiTomatoStarters One-Wok-Spaghetti4 December 2023 1 Mins read One-Wok-Spaghetti Pane-bistecca There are many One-Wok-Spaghetti recipes and a real hype has arisen about them. They say there is less work, but…
MeatGluten-freeMain-DishesHerbsBeefSwitzerlandSlowCooker/CrockPotOnion Fresh Ox Tongue from the SlowCooker4 November 2023 1 Mins read Fresh Ox Tongue from the SlowCooker Pane-Bistecca In Europe, you can buy smoked or cured tongue, sometimes already precooked, so you just…
ChiliEggsMain-DishesItalyCheeseGarlicHerbsPastaRavioli/TortelliniSauceVegetarianOnion Homemade Cream Cheese Ravioli with Herb sauce4 November 2023 1 Mins read Homemade Cream Cheese Ravioli with Herb sauce Pane-bistecca These homemade Cream Cheese Ravioli with herb sauce are a very special meal! The…
Side DishVegetablesSeasoningGluten-freeCheesePotatoesHerbsVegetarian Parmesan Potatoes4 November 2023 1 Mins read Parmesan Potatoes Pane-Bistecca Potatoes, my favorites! And first Parmesan potatoes, two of my favorites at once! There are so many ways to…
DumplingsVegetablesGnocchiMain-DishesItalyCheesePotatoesPumpkinSauceVegetarian Pumpkin Gnocchi29 October 2023 1 Mins read Pumpkin Gnocchi Pane-Bistecca Pumpkin gnocchi fit wonderfully into the season now! This time I made them differently than the Gnocchi with Pumpkin,…
AlcoholAppetizerAsiaChiliMeatChickenGibletsCheeseGarlicHerbsMarinadePate/TerrinesPhilippinesSnackPantryStarters Chicken Pâté Adobo – seasoned Pâté from the Philippines28 October 2023 1 Mins read Chicken Pâté Adobo Pane-Bistecca We like paté and I often make paté or terrines for my guests. This is a Chicken Paté…
#BlogeventChiliVegetablesGluten-freeMain-DishesCabbageCapsicumSoupTomatoVegetarianOnion Tomato-Cabbage Soup26 October 2023 1 Mins read Tomato-Cabbage Soup Pane-Bistecca Cabbage is not everyone’s cup of tea, I know that. But especially in winter, such a cabbage dish is…
AlcoholChiliSalty PastryEggsMeatMain-DishesCheeseGarlicHerbsCakeOmeletteBeefOnion Crepe Meat Pie25 October 2023 1 Mins read Crepe Meat Pie Pane-Bistecca As a small child I had once been served a meatloaf in omelet dough and since then I…
Side DishChiliPicklesVegetablesGifts from the KitchenGluten-freeGarlicHerbsSwitzerlandSnackTomatoVeganVegetarian Pickled Cherry Tomatoes23 October 2023 1 Mins read Pickled Cherry Tomatoes Pane-Bistecca Here in Asia, the seasonal fruits and vegetables are often ripe at different times. So, there are cherry…