Tomato-Mandarin Salad with Mango Dressing and Burratina Pane-bistecca Tomato and mandarin salad with mango dressing and burratina; a wonderfully tasty salad!!! A…
Mango and Ginger Ice-Cream from the TM6
Mango and Ginger Ice-Cream from the TM6 Pane-Bistecca I received wonderful mangoes, fresh from the tree, from my cleaning pearl. She had…
Chicken Balls with Mango Dip
Chicken Balls with Mango Dip Pane-Bistecca My daughter cooks: I cooked these chicken balls with mango dip as a starter. When my…
Asian Christmas Jam
Asian Christmas Jam Pane-Bistecca People also like fine jam at Christmas and when it’s homemade, it’s even better! This Asian Christmas jam…
Lemony Couscous Salad
Lemony Couscous Salad Pane-Bistecca Couscous is not known in Italy and Switzerland for very long and in Asia not at all! But…
Salmon with Okra and green Mango
Salmon with Okra and green Mango Pane-Bistecca Salmon with okra and green mango is perhaps unusual for Europe, but here in the…
Pakistani Date Chutney
Pakistani Date Chutney Pane-Bistecca This recipe for Date Chutney is from Pakistan, I got it from an acquaintance. But since I do…
Mango (Aam) Chunda – eingemachte Mangos nach Gujarati Art – pickled Mangoes the Gujarati way
Mango (Aam) Chunda aus dem Gujarat! Die Gujarati-Küche hat eine Fülle von kulinarischen Traditionen aus ihren Regionen. So sind die Speisen dieses…
Bei Vorspeisen liebe ich es, sie möglichst bunt zu servieren. Deshalb diese Crevetten, Auberginen und Mango Salsa als Vorspeise. Das Auge isst…
Mango und Zitronengras Tarte mit Kokosnuss Boden – Mango and Lemongrass Tarte with Coconut Pastry
Meine Kinder lieben es, mich herauszufordern! So gehts mit dieser Mango und Zitronengras Tarte mit Kokosnuss Boden! Manchmal geschieht dies unbewusst, aber…