Hackfleisch Wähe
Ground Beef Pie Pane-Bistecca I made this minced meat pie for a pie evening! I made 4 different pies, with 4 different…
Ground Beef Pie Pane-Bistecca I made this minced meat pie for a pie evening! I made 4 different pies, with 4 different…
Tomato-Mozzarella Pie Pane-Bistecca In summer, when the tomatoes are ripe, I love cooking and baking with them. This tomato and mozzarella pie…
Öpfelwähie – Apple Pie traditional Swiss! Pane-Bistecca One of the most typical and traditional Swiss dishes is the Swiss apple pie. I…
Mirabelle Pie Pane-Bistecca Mirabelle plum is a yellow plum. It is said to be a cross between the plum and the cherry…
Andrea’s gluten-free Apple-Plum Pie Pane-Bistecca The plum season is soon over, and the apple season begins. I, like everyone in our family,…
Scarpaccia di Zucchine Pane-Bistecca Scarpaccia di Zucchine fits wonderfully in the harvest time now! You can get rid of some zucchini right…
Zucchini Pie Pane-Bistecca The zucchini pie is made quickly and tastes very summery. We can have zucchini the whole year through. Do…
Cherry Tomato Tarte Pane-Bistecca For the ongoing event of Volkermampft Koch mein Rezept I have drawn Ninamanie NINAmanie is a food and…
Cheese Pie with salty Short crust Pastry Pane-Bistecca Normally, I make cheese pie with puff pastry, which goes great together. But what…
Einfach, aber so lecker ist diese Pfirsich Mandel Tarte. Die Früchte liegen auf einer Mandel Masse, was ihn unglaublich fein macht. Und…