One-Wok-Spaghetti Pane-bistecca There are many One-Wok-Spaghetti recipes and a real hype has arisen about them. They say there is less work, but…
Spaghetti with Capsicum-Tomato Sauce
1 Mins read
Spaghetti with Capsicum-Tomato Sauce Pane-Bistecca These spaghetti with capsicum-tomato sauce is really very good! Capsicum has a very strong flavor! I remember…
AppetizerAvocadoEggsCelebrationMeatFruitsBreakfastVegetablesGluten-freeCucumberMain-DishesCheeseVealPotatoesCornMelonCurdSalamiSaladBeautiful PlattersPorkSwitzerlandAsparagusAspicTomatoGrapesStartersSausage
Delicious cold-cut Platter
1 Mins read
Delicious cold-cut Platter Pane-Bistecca In Switzerland, a plate with cold meat, cheese, pickles and more is called “cold plate” and I have…
ChiliDumplingsEggsMeatVegetablesMain-DishesItalyCheeseGarlicHerbsNatural ColorsPastaMushroomsRavioli/TortelliniBeefSaucePorkSpinachPorcini MushroomsSausageOnion
Beet Ravioli with Meat Filling in Porcini Sauce
2 Mins read
Beet Ravioli with Meat Filling in Porcini Sauce Pane-Bistecca Homemade ravioli are just so much better than store-bought. These beetroot ravioli with…
Gluten-free Cauliflower Gnocchi
1 Mins read
Gluten-free Cauliflower Gnocchi Pane-Bistecca Hello, here is the gnocchi crazy lady! Yes, I love them and always on my birthday my Italian…
AppetizerAvocadoEggsFinger-foodMeatFruitsVegetablesGluten-freeCucumberMain-DishesItalyCheeseHerbsMelonPeach/NectarinePhysalisHamBeautiful PlattersPorkSnackTomatoStarters
Summer-Appetizer Platter with Peach and Melon
1 Mins read
Summer-Appetizer Platter with Peach and Melon Pane-Bistecca As with the previous appetizer platter, this summer-appetizer platter with peach and melon is entirely…
Gluten-free Meatloaf
1 Mins read
Gluten-free Meatloaf Pane-Bistecca Those who have family members who have food allergies are very careful about making food! People who have gluten…
AppetizerAvocadoMeatFruitsVegetablesMain-DishesItalyCheeseHerbsMelonHamBeautiful PlattersPorkSnackTomatoStartersLemon
Antipasto di Melone e Prosciutto
1 Mins read
Antipasto di Melone e Prosciutto Pane-Bistecca On very hot days you do not like to eat anything heavy. For this purpose, such…