Humitas - Chilenische Maisfladen Päckchen

Humitas – Chilean Corn Cake Parcels

Humitas is a traditional South American dish from the Andes, it can be found in Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru, and Argentina. They are made from fresh corn that is pounded into a paste and wrapped in corn leaves. These packets are then cooked in hot water. They can be made sweet or savory.

They are not comparable to Mexican tamales because they are not made with cornmeal, but with fresh corn. This dish participates in Culinary World travel from Volkermampft which travels to Chile this month.
Prep time
40 min
Cooking time
40 min
Total time
1 h 20 min


For 6-8 Humitas:

  • 3 Corn Cobs with skin

  • 1 Onion, chopped

  • 2 tbsp Oil

  • 1 bunch Basil, chopped, I used Thai Basil

  • 150 ml Milk

  • Salt and Pepper

  • Paprika

  • Binding Thread



Step 1

Cut the corn cobs at the top and bottom and carefully peel off the corn leaves, set aside. It is best to store them between layers of baking paper and weigh them down so that they do not curl.

Step 2

Now cut the corn kernels from the cob with a sharp knife. Originally, they are grated off the cob, but we use the machine afterwards, then it’s much faster with the knife. Put the kernels in the food processor or puree them with the hand mixer.

Step 3

Heat the oil in a pan and fry the onion until transparent. Then add the pureed corn and the chopped basil. Add the milk and season well. Then simmer, stirring, until a creamy mixture is formed. It may be necessary to add a little more milk. This takes about 8-10 minutes. Allow the mixture to cool slightly.

Step 4

Unterdessen die Mais Blätter je zwei über‘s Kreuz auslegen. Etwas von der Mais Masse auf die Blätter geben, man legt es meist länglich aus. Das innere Blatt über die Masse geben und das Äussere darüber falten. Mit einem Bindefaden wie ein Päckchen zusammenbinden.

Step 5

Einen grossen Topf mit Wasser zum Sieden bringen, dann die Hitze reduzieren. Die Päckchen ins Wasser geben und 30 Minuten ziehen lassen. Aus dem Wasser Nehmen und den Faden entfernen. Mit dem inneren Blatt servieren.


This recipe is adapted from Pilar from the Blog La Cocina Chilena
Humitas – Chilenische Maisfladen Päckchen
Humitas - Chilenische Maisfladen Päckchen
Humitas – Chilenische Maisfladen Päckchen
Humitas – Chilenische Maisfladen Päckchen
Humitas – Chilenische Maisfladen Päckchen
Humitas – Chilenische Maisfladen Päckchen
Humitas – Chilenische Maisfladen Päckchen
Humitas – Chilenische Maisfladen Päckchen
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