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Simple Ice-Cream Sticks made with Muesli Bars

2 Mins read
Einfache Glacestängel aus Müesli Riegel

Simple Ice-Cream Sticks made with Muesli Bars

When you have to feed a hungry crowd, you come up with creative ideas. That’s what happened to me, I wanted to make Ice-cream lollipops. I bought some Muesli bars to mix with ice-cream to give it some crunch. I had done this before with some popcorn and my visitors loved it!

To make it easy for me, I thought, I use the packaging of the bars, to make small bars of ice-cream. But to make the bars stick well together you have to covert hem with chocolate. You must work carefully to not crumble them. It is a quickly made dessert but again, you must work really carefully! Anyway, my guests loved them very much!
Prep time
30 min
Cooking time
0 min
Rest time
4 h
Total time
4 h 30 min


  • 10 Müesli Bars, any taste, I used 5 Strawberry and 5 Chocolate

  • 400 ml Whipping Cream

  • 100 g White Chocolate

  • 100 g Milk Chocolate

  • Decorations like Sugar Sprinkles, Sugar Hearts, Caramel Stars, Chocolate sprinkles etc.

  • 1 tsp Vanilla Sugar

  • 1 tsp Cocoa Powder

  • 10 wooden Ice-cream Sticks



Step 1

Carefully open the bars packaging on the top and remove the bars. Put the wrapping into a high jar with the opening to the top. Crumble up the bars.

Step 2

Put half of the whipping cream each into a bowl and whip to soft peaks. Add the vanilla sugar to one half and the cocoa powder to the other one. Put both into freezer packaging bags.

Step 3

Now cut the tip off the bags and fill a little of the vanilla filling into the strawberry packaging and a little of the cocoa filling into the chocolate packaging.

Step 4

Now fill some of the strawberry bar crumbles into the strawberry packaging and do the same with the chocolate bar crumbles.

Step 5

Then fill each one up with their cream flavor, but also bang the jar several times in between onto the counter to make the cream reach everything.

Step 6

Add the wooden sticks to the ice-cream and freeze for at least 4 hours.

Step 7

Melt the white and the milk chocolate in jars and let them cool slightly. Then dunk the strawberry bars into the white chocolate and sprinkle with some decoration, put them onto a baking paper to harden for a short time. Do the same with the chocolate bars in the milk chocolate and decorate too.

Step 8

Wrap them into cling-foil and freeze immediately!


A creative dessert.
Einfache Glacestängel aus Müesli Riegel
Einfache Glacestängel aus Müesli Riegel
Einfache Glacestängel aus Müesli Riegel
Einfache Glacestängel aus Müesli Riegel
Einfache Glacestängel aus Müesli Riegel
Einfache Glacestängel aus Müesli Riegel
Einfache Glacestängel aus Müesli Riegel
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