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Edyta's Apfel-Blechkuchen von Oma Helenka – Edyta's Apple-Tray Cake from Granny Helenka

1 Mins read

Es ist schon eine Weile her, dass ich diesen leckeren Kuchen gebacken habe. Ich hatte ihn mitgebracht, zum Mahjong Spiel bei einer Freundin, ich hatte die Aufgabe Dessert zu bringen. Was soll ich sagen? Die waren so verfressen, dass Edyta’s Apfel-Blechkuchen von Oma Helenka sofort weg war! Und es war ein grosser Blechkuchen! Er ist aber auch wirklich sehr lecker, mürber Teig, leckere Apfel Füllung mit einem zimtigen Geschmack… ganz mein Ding. (und das meiner Freundinnen offensichtlich auch!) Danke Edyta, von mein Dolcevita, dass Du das Rezept Deiner Oma mit mir geteilt hast!


It’s a while back I made this delicious cake. I had it brought along to a Mahjong game at the house of one of my friends. I was in charge of dessert. What can I say? They ate it all, even though it was a whole tray! It is absolutely delicious, crumbly dough, soft and cinnamony apple filling, just what I love. (and it seems it’s my friends favorite too!) Thank you, Edyta from mein Dolcevita for sharing your granny’s recipe with me! 

Edyta's Apfel-Blechkuchen von Oma Helenka

Hier ist Edyta’s Rezept!


For the dough:
600-640 g Flour
2 tsp Baking Powder
250 g cold Butter, diced
3 Eggs
1 Pinch of Salt
2 tbsp Sour Cream
200 g Sugar

For the Filling:
2 kg Apples
150 g Sugar
2 tsp Cinnamon
2 tbsp Breadcrumbs or Semolina

Icing Sugar

For the dough put the flour in a bowl and mix with the baking powder. Make a mold and add the cold butter and cut it in with a knife just like streusel. Then add the rest of the ingredients and put together into a dough. Cut into halves, wrap them into cling-foil and refrigerate for 60 minutes.
Grate the apples and mix with the sugar, cinnamon and breadcrumbs. Roll out 1 part of the dough to a baking tray size baking paper of 24/35cm and put onto the tray. Pinch with a fork and bake at 180 C for 15 minutes. Take from the oven, sprinkle with some breadcrumbs and add the apple filling. Flatten with the back of a spoon. Roll out the second half of the dough on a baking paper the same size as the baking tray and turn over onto the filling. Carefully take the baking paper off and pinch the dough with a fork. Bake in the oven at 180 C for 45 – 60 minutes. Let cool and sprinkle with icing sugar.

Edyta's Apfel-Blechkuchen von Oma Helenka
Edyta's Apfel-Blechkuchen von Oma Helenka
Edyta's Apfel-Blechkuchen von Oma Helenka
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